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A Plan To Save Earth

A Plan To Save Earth, Revision 1, is a proposed framework for a universal plan to save Earth.  It is designed from the ground up to become a plan that is discussed, revised and agreed upon by the global human village at large, in a format designed to promote equality for all participants in thought, expression, and in voting, in all aspects, with the intention of discovering together our world’s best and brightest ideas on how we an both survive and heal our planet and it’s life giving system, often referred to in our times as “Gaia”, which describes the overall, interconnected living system of which all life forms are a part of upon our planet, Earth.

10 years in the making, as of January 1, 2019, these web pages are going up as the final efforts to produce the first revision of “A Plan To Save Earth”

These web pages are intended to become as well-translated across as many languages as possible in a WIKI format, similar to Wikipedia, where all future logged-in members of wept.tv will be able to have an equal access, voice and vote on all matters of the Plan, so that Revision 2 and every subsequent revision will be the creation of all who participate, potentially keeping some of the suggestions and ideas presented by the author of the first revision, replacing some ideas with better ones, until we come up with our best strategy which we can hopefully all agree upon and act on.

As of 1/1/2019, the following pages have only the beginning content for each of the five parts of the Plan, as it is presented as a five-prong plan.  If you are reading this now, you will be invited to keep coming back to watch it unfold before your eyes.  Very soon after that, you will be invited to participate in the co-writing of this plan, and to support, volunteer or become official paid staff on technical group which will be necessary to fully carry out the plan to save Earth, and more specifically, to save ourselves and other life forms, healing and preserving our one and only shared habitat together, Planet Earth.

  1. Plan
    • The Plan To Save Earth is designed to be accessible, discussed and voted on by all people who participate, with equal access and voting power by all people: every individual human being has one vote, no more, no less, without any exception.  This is the starting point and sustaining power of a new global human democracy, the one needed to protect each other and our planet.
  2. Survive
    • Capture and store fresh drinking water and long-lasting emergency food supplies
    • Distribute storage of these life-essentials where people, animals, plants and trees will be able to be watered and fed by them all across the world, in locations projected to be most beneficial to serve the most needs
  3. Heal the Climate
    • Participate together in an Earth Sabbath, One Day A Week Of None Of Our Smoke, as the beginning of a globally participated and well-supported Measured and Fair Fossil Fuel Phase Down
  4. Communicate
    • Communicate with each other, all across the world, through a new Harmonized Language International Symposium
  5. Techforce for Humanity
    • The HLIS (Step 4) will be an open source project designed by members of the International open-sourced Internet community, but supported and managed by a group of professional, paid engineers, programmers, designers, translators, and whomever else is needed to exert the concerted effort required to both support and assist in the shared understanding and creation of every form of communication necessary to bridge the human language divides, and to connect members of the human society who do not have current access to the Internet, and even those who have no access to any form of electronic communication, including telephones.