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5. Techforce for Humanity

Part 5.  Techforce for Humanity

Raise up and promote new international social media channel, owned by the people for the people of Earth.

Techforce for humanity supports international open source community of programmers, engineers and designers, to our world’s International team of geniuses who will willing collaborate on making humanity’s new channel all that it needs to be.



Techforce Mission Statement (still in formation)

Please let me make it clear that I am looking for the team who will join me in opening the doors for the Worldwide international community to develop something that will help us connect with each other in the vital ways we must in order to survive together while healing our planet together, adjusting and evolving as we must, in order to be able to stick around as a species on planet Earth.

new network

A new network is being born within me.  I’ve been in its labor pains for just over ten years.

I see a team coming together which will help make a new level of global human communication connectivity possible.

Techforce’s Mission is to bring forth—give birth to—the world’s first and designed to last Harmonized Language International Symposium.

human unity

Human Unity is the only way we will survive.  We will become None if we don’t Unite.   Since a near future uniting of our species is required, a team to help forge it efficiently, intelligently and swiftly needs to be put into place.

global climate change

All life on this planet is in danger and in greater numbers we human beings are waking up to this fact.  (you might want to add another sentence saying why it is in danger)


but only together

We are not powerless. We can adjust. We can save ourselves.  But only together.

techforce’s sole purpose

Techforce for humanity exists for the sole purpose of utilizing the best programmers, designers and engineers we can gather together to support the rest of the international programmers, designers, editors and engineers to effectively team up and collaborate on building the world’s first best and lasting harmonized language international symposium (HLIS).

harmonized language

harmonized language means we’re going to make human interaction seamless between all languages, initially by understanding and utilizing all of the best current development in voice recognition and translation software, but seizing it by the horns, determined to discern the best body of information than climb higher.

Harmonized Language also means a multi-teard translation system starting with software, then a human volunteer #1 reviewing the software translation (if available) and offering corrections and a second volunteer to come along to verify the first two attempts to translate it all. All sign.

essential commitments

In all things involving Techforce for humanity, HLIS, Songs For Earth, and WEPT.TV, I am the determined humble servant to the rest of you but with certain requests and requirements.

I welcome the world’s best and brightest to ultimately lead the way for the rest of us but I am here to ensure that this network is and remains 100% transparent, open source, though secure.


International symposium

International Symposium part of HLIS is similar to a United Nations but for all people.

Similar to a Facebook but programmed especially to connect the entire world.

Whatever groups or individuals are needed to get the job done, it is techforce’s job to make sure the money is raised and paid in salary to those who will make up the paid staff of Techforce.

The technical path of the HLIS is to begin with a website like facebok.com, but to bake the harmonized language code right into its foundation and its core functionality.

hlis #1 priority: earth sabbath

The HLIS has a number one objective of helping humanity effectively unite to participate in a measured fair fossil fuel phase down.

This will begin immediately by modeling and announcing an Earth Sabbath: One Day a Week of None of Our Smoke.

A worldwide walkout on the burning of fossil fuels for power and all the smoke we otherwise create (in anyway) for a 24 hour period every week.

Techforce teams:

online membership

HLIS will have a logged in membership system.

A team will be assigned to perfect the membership system, understanding everything there is to know and building on it, carefully and openly discussing their research, development, challenges and progress on improving the HLIS membership system.

Security SSL Team

Another team is dedicated to security, including encryption. This is called the Security SSL Team.

Their job will be to prepare to work with the true International security specialists (and hackers) who freely give their knowledge to help their own species survive.

hlis functions

HLIS is being set up to be the alternative social network, syndicated and validated world and local news, by the people for the people, economy, yes we can have a fair shared economy, anything is possible if it is necessary, and world unity is becoming a critical requirement, so communications, voting, government, economy, all these things need to be adjusted globally to serve all of us.

But it is the “all of us” that concerns “all of our world’s smartest security people” to help us come up with our own safe channel to hold and sustain a a new global communications channel.

Engineering team

Engineers.  We are all engineers.  But there is an engineer team.

Engineers: Inventors

Techforce engineers are become inventors of necessity.

They will understand the underbelly of the internet and setup, test and run servers and transmitters and all the technologies that account for the full range of functions that make up the internet.

They will work together to comprehend all aspects of the current internet while plotting the next one.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Engineers: fault tolerance

You must help and perfect fault tolerance.

Double triple quadruple backups of everything, always updating, levels of archiving which are automatic, fully comprehending the cloud and all about hard drives and memory and cables and airwaves.


Engineers: collaboration

We shall be charged with understanding and sharing into our own team’s program which allows us to best collaborate, a program which is an online software program which is open source and open to the world.

Engineers: developing &sharing in the open to all

All of our development, our findings, our growing body of shared information (as we teach one another and post the videos and documents of our presentations) is for the public, it is for all of us.


Nothing is hidden, ever. Every dollar is transparent, both earned and spent.  Humanity will keep it open and we will work together to get the job done.  Global synchronization   We must be able to communicate all at once.   We must be able to share resources.


More fault tolerance

But for you, the Techforce engineers, you also want to forge better communications that can withstand entire geographical regions temporarily or permanently cut off from the network.  You must identify that which technology cannot do and in what circumstances even what it can do it has no power to.


Techforce humanity team

This leads us to our techforce for Humanity Team. But you gotta love it.  Techfoce is here for all of humanity in an equal prioritization scheme—we are here for all 7.5 and growing billion people the exact same, and we are here to bend over backwards if need be to get out of the way and let others come forward.


Systematic approach to equality

There must be a systematic approach to human equality, a new financial equality, not a consumer driven capitalism society, those of us who are even slightly awake are seeing where that is headed.

Instead of blaming “them” whoever they might be, we will move quickly rather, just to fix our broken system.


Support graceful financial transition

For those of us who see it as potentially broken at some point in the future it behooves us, dears, to get busy preparing for a future different from the one we are currently living in.

To not prepare is preposterous.


No human gets left behind

Our Humanity Team has the best priorities of all teams:  No human gets left behind.

All geographical territories across the Earth where humans are suffering with hunger and thirst, these areas are identified and closely watched and constantly updated on.

And everyone shall know of them and we shall all care about reaching them and we shall pull our resources together in order to do so in a fair and sustainable way.

connect offline people

Humanity department you are to look for all areas of the HLIS which cannot or suddenly for some reason become unable to connect to the online HLIS.

How do we keep them in the conversation, not just to tell them what we have and continue to decide together on what to do, but to watch them, ask them to describe and tell the rest of the world what they are going through, transcribe it to everyone, in every language, both with audio and with visual text.

After hunger and thirst is shelter and clothing. We do our best.

World news

Humanity team you will absorb and assimilate the entirety of the world news.

For every online URL you gather information for you note and share.

All the ways you see we as a species can do things better you share, and all of your shares are published to the whole world and the whole world (of online logged on users) will be able to respond.

UX Design Team

User Experience UX Design folks: you guys will be your best!   You are helping to design and build an ever improving experience.

But remember, UX Team, you are designing an interface which will soon be teamed up by an unknown number of contributors.

So your first job is to make sure everything released and about to be released in all revisions is user friendly and works perfectly.

But your job beyond that is research and skillfully and fully report on the full world of code, constructs, companies and related information on everything you find out there that has to do with UX Design, including quite technical things, try to understand them but especially you will help forge new channels which will be better than artificial intelligence but maybe I’m describing the same thing.

Database Team

Our database team will be working closely with you UX Design Team.

Their job is to figure out how to offer this international symposium to the world as an open source project amongst logged on users worldwide while still keeping the HLIS experience of the highest security.

The highest security is there to protect all of us as individuals and “Techforce International” which is the online volunteer force arm of Techforce for Humanity.

This SECURITY team will work closely with the LOGIN team.  The Security SSL team will also work closely with the

#1 Priority fossil fuel phase down

Techfoce supports the world in a measured, fair, fossil fuel phase out  This is our #1 and overriding objective.  No matter how many other wonderful advantages the world will enjoy from our success in connecting our world in a new and fair way, our number one objective is helping the world to organize itself in a measured, fair, fossil fuel phase down.

A team of engineers must prepare

if we choose to surviveour species must interconnectat a higher level immediately:   a team of engineers mustprepare the highway.

We need to find a way to connect ourselves and we need a dedicated technical vanguard to lead the possibility, one that is not controlled by any entities that are part of the problem.

pull together a team to help foster and support the necessary global human revolution and what will the global human revolution do?

Unite humanity to move cohesively in the direction which reverses the current human-caused climate change while supporting each other in the difficult time that is already inevitable that will be part of the process.

before earth sabbath… techforce!

Before an Earth Sabbath can happen, a tech force for humanity that must arise and come together to build a new human network:  A harmonized language international social media channel,  withindividual login and customization of the experience, especially when it comes to language choice.

best and brightest lead the way

Our goal is that the best and brightest minds amongst us who shall lead the way with all of us—from local staff to the international global masses interacting and collaborating on the HLIS.

Nearly all of these things have to do with database technology and we will have the world’s greatest database programmers and engineers teaming up to make it happen.

best ideas rise to the top

we follow a model that allows us to continue to progress and improve until we are operating at our best, working with the best information, best code, best technology, best in everything.

big forward leaps necessary

With the stakes so high and the sand in the hour glass of action running out, now is the appropriate time for taking big leaps forward in the necessary emergency response actions that must be taken to at least offer our species a chance to connect across the globe on the one issue of saving their very loves.

If we don’t reverse climate change we will die–either by sea, by thirst, hunger or fire, or freezing, it’s not pretty.

careful tracking of trends (techforce)

One of my hopes for bringing a team together as soon as possible is for the ability to include careful data tracking and modeling for objectively projecting factors that could help us predict things coming up and respond proactively ahead of time, including–if need be–migratory things (getting out of dodge before the masses are all running and unable to budge).

concerted effort

It’s going to happen through a concerted effort by intelligent human beings who are awake to what’s going on and what’s being done about it, what people know and what people need to know, what would happen if there IS a solution and that solution was world unity, how would that come about?

What would be the things to help world unity come about?

It’s going to take a concerted effort to make it happen.

current internet

We already have the Internet, but is it not falling into the hands of the Internet Service Providers?  And haven’t these ISP’s been given free reign, now, to squelch whatever channels or websites they don’t want to give bandwidth too?  Or to make them pay a handsome rate just to be seen?

In America, the prominent ones are AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon and Charter Communications, currently.

One of the things recent world events have shown us is that many of our world’s governments and economy have become entangled in a way that is not life supporting to our planet or our populations.

There are many books, articles and websites that serve the purpose in verifying this.  A Plan To Save The Earth seeks remedial action for our survival as a species on this planet, it is a call for us to take the business of survival into our own hands, empowered, inspired and in service to each other.

Secure network’s potential

There is a solution to the pitfalls of fraud and other cyber security abuses we have witnessed the internet.   There is a way to have a shared, open-source network that is even more secure than the most closed networks of the past.

There is a way to invite, empower and continue to support equal access to all members of a shared network across the world so that each and every person has “A CHAIR AT THE TABLE” and is welcome to both hear and contribute to the conversations that matter most to all of our lives.

Technology Is Ready To Serve Humanity In Our Present Need

Together, with the help of our world’s most brilliant volunteer and staff programmers we will find a way to secure a network that is reliable enough to:

  • accurately and transparently count votes from across the world
  • fair and equal monetary exchange,
  • and news offered from logged on users and validated by others in their same area—or invalidated, when fake news is attempted

design of hlis

Let’s try to cover the ways people may want to assist in far away, remote places with very different languages than our own.  A modern design team can achieve this.  It will require sustained effort and measured progress with dynamic timelines established and constantly updated.

driven to the top

Technologies should be a moving target until each area comes to its recognized highest area of proficiency

As such, there is not much room for “resting on our laurels” – we are driven to go to the top of all technology which serves to help humanity to get on the same page and to work together on the matters that involve our very survival.  We reach for the top because our lives depend on getting there. Our pride becomes the pride of reward for getting to the top of the internet, together, to achieving a new, better internet, together.

We gotta leap frog up to the top, catch others on the way: The revolution is overdue.


Earth’s right to techforce 4humanity

The Earth has the need and the right to have a technical force that’s dedicated to connecting humanity with equality and equanimity all across the world in every language.

How do we do it? How do we connect people?

The need for a solution to be recognized and followed by all.  We need a way to connect ourselves and we need a dedicated technical vanguard to lead the possibility, one that is not controlled by any entities that are part of the problem.

engineers empower artists: artists spread word

Techforce must make songs4earth.org “Songs For The Earth” known, to invite the musicians, songwriters and singers of the world to unite and share on the “new world stage” techforce presents on the Internet and beyond.

This revolution has to be technically empowered. We must be innovative, brainstorm and identify together our best idea, create our best websites, best mobile apps, yes, go to the top.

How do we reach the general population of the earth?

First, we the world enlist and empower the engineers, the engineers empower the artists, musicians and thinkers the artists tell the message.

empower humanity to respond

Humanity—all of us—must be empowered.  We cannot neglect so great a responsibility as the proactive avoidance of self-extinction of our own species.

from center outward

the best effort at working with the best knowledge and methods begins with techforce staff and extends to the international community of staff and volunteers.

fund raising

techforce4humanity.org raises $ for the Harmonized Language International Symposium (HLIS)

Techforce will be responsible for raising the funds to pay salary and operating costs.

We start off with Techforce for Humanityso we have a vehicle to raise funds and pay staff.

Fundraising and marketing go hand in hand, they are both necessary supporting branches of the tree.


goals, guidelines & by-laws

Our goals, guidelines and by-laws will be made clear in the beginningin the early formation of Techforce for Humanity.

harmonized body of knowledge & expertise

Yet what I know will be dwarfed by comparison of the harmonized body of knowledge and expertise of the international community of programmers, engineers, scientists, thinkers and artists will bring.

Let’s have the solution prepared for when they awaken

So many people across the world are already completely aware of the danger and signs of our fossil fuel-driven climate change and want to participate on solving this problem.

Those who are not awake to the reality of this yet—whether they have been deceived or simply not paying attention—will have plenty of signs to wake them up, as the rising seas, increasing violent storms, killer heatwaves and drought-caused famines in some places and and killer ice storms in others.

And at that point—once people realize their lives are in danger—they will want to know how to effectively respond.  They will want to know if there is a plan of action they can participate on.  They will want to sign on to the solution, which we must have prepared and ready.


Fear is coming to the world

I’m kinda guessing that, but it’s just consistent observation and learning that sparks the intensity to think about it. I have and I’m ready to tell the world.  And through circumstances that would raise fear with people so that they are paying attention.

But before that point of conversion happens–before they’ll be afraid enough of what’s going on with the climate that they’ll want to do something about it before we get to that critical point of conversion, we have to lay down the foundation for the network.  We have to begin building it


Preemptive Global Communications Facilities Team

Preemptive proactive measures to assure our ability to communicate with each other like we have never been able to or had the will to before in history.

Lots of people trying, I’m sure, to do their part in helping but I think at some point in the near future a planetary event or catastrophic occurrence will happen,  Perhaps a tsunami, maybe those monster hurricanes the climate scientists promised with the warming oceans, and we will already have this web, music and video production channel going and in place, so people across the world have a new place to go to find the information and inspiration they’ll need in that hour.

international society of internet programmers

Let’s amass a team of programmers from across the world who will build a new social media website that goes way beyond anything Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or any of the others have done in truly creating a unified multilingual website, with full time staff in each country, representing their country, or region of their country, as best as they can—in passing on the news that is relevant to their area, especially in regard to taking our stand to do these things:

  1. Use less power, until we have clean power
  2. Tell the Oil and Coal companies to back down:
  3. End fracking, tar sands and artic exploration immediately
  4. Other severe offenders must be identified and the global masses united and supported in defecting from these offending entities, or using our united consumer dollar to encourage corporations, and agricultural and energy giants to do the right thing.

let’s get it started

I say we must come together and those who can afford to pitch in to get the ball rolling, let’s do it.  Let’s open up our non profit Techforce for Humanityhere in Los Angeles, California.  We at techforce will work to raise up the greatest and the most honest and fair International Social media channel.

I hope to get started immediately

It’s not too late but we must act quickly and decisively.

I’m ready to do that, are you?

Let’s kick start this revolution: I’m gonna!


marketing team

Techforce must make ourselves known in order to draw in and harness the international community of internet engineers, programmers, designers and editors. Techforce must make the harmonized language international symposium (HLIS) known.

maximize use of all relevant current technologies

our constant effort is to find and utilize the best code, the best methodology, or a mixture therein that best serves the end result.

In its earlier phase, the new International Symposium will use all current available technologies and resources.

We will specialize in maximizing all current social media and video sharing websites.

We will actively reach out to the masses and begin building a human database.


grasp and utilize the best technology!

If our team comes together, I know for me what a joy it is to discover and grow in understanding of current technologies.

That will be such a joy to put our hands on the hardware and software and test it and have all these software-hardware possibilities out on a table, before us, a Techforce for humanity that researches and deploys the necessary technology to help humanity connect in safer, more secure and a bit of future-proofing in terms of venturing into the peer to peer realm of the web.new

communication channel

  1. We will connect the world in a new way, a new communications channel that is:
  2. owned by the people, completely for the people
  3. systematically fair and equal to every human citizen on Earth.


Facebook is wonderful, but probably not very willing to shut down all profit motives and become what is necessary:

A true communications vehicle for all people, with equality and no corporate profit or central nexus of control.

new browser

A new browser capable of surfing the current internet while providing logged into another internet—a word of its own—for the new online community.

open source – the reason why

The reason why we’re going to make wept.tv open source, and all the operations of techforce4humanity completely transparent, is because the people of the world will depend on their ability to trust in the network that is collectively owned by all, because our conversation must be honest, straight forward, and lead to decisions and actions carried out by all for our survival.

operating costs

Operating costs will include whatever equipment, software, purchase or rental of property or properties for direct use of the operation, insurance, marketing, etc.

out of southern california

It’s not a stretch to me that out of Southern California would come the meeting of our minds to make it happen.

persistent communications for a bumpy future

A projected bumpy future calls for a persistent communications network to be established beforehand, such as now, right away.

This type of persistent communication availability might possibly represent the most reliable type of communication in a near future world where widespread infrastructure damage may disrupt our conventional forms of communication:  cell phones, home phones, and the email, websites and mobile apps tied in to our current Internet, as it currently stands.

“Fault tolerance” is a term that describes persistent connections that have contingency plans and systems in place, enabling the network to remain stable and connected even when portions—or large portions—of it become disconnected.

Disconnections may occur from computer failures, power outs or damages to communication lines, transmitters, antennas, or whatever might cause any number of participating computers and mobile devises to become disconnected.

Our new Internet browser should be designed to connect any number of devices from as little as two to as many as 10 billion.  If only two connections on this approach to Internet connection were tuned online, no matter where they are–providing they both have an Internet connection–they will be able to connect and communicate.


phase 1 for techforce staff

In Phase 1, Techforce staff develop and manage the open source projects of techforce4huamnity.org, songs4earth.org and  wept.tv, the URL location on the web ready to build the Harmonized Language International Symposium on the web


This extra level of security offers people greater protection, and to offer the network itself protection from outside forces, ranging from hackers to various governments wishing to block the channel.  This places additional responsibility on thestaff of people who are running the operation.

songs4earth part of techforce’s mission

songs4earth.org is a companion website to wept.tv, but focused on uniting songwriters, singers and musicians on bringing the world together to protect and heal the Earth by bringing humanity together across all languages, religions and cultures.

Beyond a meeting place and shared world stage for international artists, it provides every tangible need a website can be used to provide for supporting and empowering the artists by giving them tools and incentives for putting on earth songs concerts and other music unifying people.

Remember and value the fact that the Songs4earth vision and effort,preceded wept.tv and wept.tv is the son of songs4earth, not its replacement.


We will need specialists for producing the Mobile apps and helping to build that new “Internet 2 Browser”

Database engineers, software researchers and specialists are there to harness all the input from the users across the world in achieving the types of database, network and internet communication feats necessary to achieve the goals of the HLIS, administration, marketing, accounting and legal team to assure the success and of the operation.

With our mission, structure and priorities in place, we can hire additional specialists as those job descriptions are identified and funds for their salaries are made available.

Assembling staff who will invent

I say it’s time to begin assembling and empowering a handpicked group of people who will serve as the ultimate communications team on the task of rapidly building a Harmonized Language International Symposium on the Web,

staff categories

engineers, programmers, database and cyber security experts, plenty of other hats to be worn by others, video and audio engineers, graphic designers, translators, etc.

Your Part Is Equal To Mine

Everyone on staff will be equal, following the advice of Gandhi, to “Be the change you wish to see in the world”

staff equal pay

Tech Force For Humanity will have a group of paid staff at its core. I have been preparing myself to lead this staff.

All paid staff will be equally paid regardless of individual’s prior salary history, age, or whatever credentials each staff member has.  Our salary will be sufficient for our living needs with enough cushion that we are not forced to work second and third jobs to make up our costs.  If we get raises, we all get raises.

Techforce staff will work for equal pay because they are preparing a network that is designed to foster equal treatment, inclusion, respect and support for all individuals who connect across the planet.

Techforce starts out with a team of dedicated professionals who are supported somehow to do what they need to do and live comfortably enough within the city or area of the world they work in.

staff first priority

I expect we will be opening to and courting the international open source community from early on, and expanding our volunteer and paid staff.   Staff’s first priority: establish international collaboration channel for engineers, programmers, inventors across the world to collaborate upon.  Research and follow information to open up every possible channel for collaborating with the world of programmers and contributors of the web, to work together for our shared end result.

We establish and promote our own presence and systematically build and build out to help our species connect.

The online volunteers will be able to login and get to work at the URL  techforce4humanity.org.  “Tech talk” is spoken on this website. Collaboration is done here. The output of our work will show up here, on wept.tv.   The HLIS begins at once on the Internet at the address www.wept.tv

We’ll use, research and comprehend together all of the best tools for getting all the things the internet is capable of doing done.


staff formation

Techforce staffing will come together incrementally, beginning seven paid positions, including my own. Initially, I will select my staff and become responsible for them.  I have prepared myself to lead this operation in its formative stage, but by design, my leadership shall diminish as our world’s brightest and best minds on each given subject begin to take the lead in their perspective areas of excellence and skill.

My understanding is that there will become many, many, many people on staff  to be able to do all these things, people working to process it all.  I expect and will work with others to make it possible and expected that each person on Our team will be self-motivated.  They will know what they need to do, and each team member will be empowered, blessed, and motivated by others.

staff: ground rules

ground rules are part of the magic of why techforce for humanity shall rise to serve the world, rather than rise to be another power player, money maker, or even become corrupt, like so many well-meaning religious, civic and community grassroots efforts grow up to become.

What follows are my initial thoughts for good ground rules for Techforce staff.

  1. we are equal in power
  2. we are equal in income
  3. TransparencyUniting the world in a fair way will be best facilitated if we maintain a Tech Force that is 100% transparent, modeling equality and collaboration while getting the job done.We are not just transparent, we are purposefully public in all of dealings, financial transactions, and development. The whole world will be able to watch all our transactions, they will never be done in private.

    This includes:

    • Contributions: The amounts given to techforce become public information the moment they are deposited, while the person or entity making the contribution may choose to remain anonymous, or not.
    • salaries and benefits
    • purchases, sales, rentals
    • fees, fines, anything good or bad, it’s all public
  4. All information is shared.We are at the core of true open source code and invention-No proprietary code-No exclusive knowledge over one area: we purposefully teach each what we are discovering, the questions we are asking and the answers we are finding out. what we are other No rogue programmers controlling or hijacking any aspect of techforce or its affiliated projects.
    All research that is accomplished by one is made available to all, with priority broadcast of key and essential findings.

staff: group of inventors

I am yearning with a specific intentionality to manifest a way to put our worlds brightest and best minds in front of the rest of our species, leading us:  The infrastructure for this possibility must happen—so much has already been invented, the ingredients of which we have to work with—but a group of smart people with this one goal as their specific intentionality must manifest.

staff: initial candidates

I have already begun to align with other programmers, ones who are superior in their field of experience than I am who are already working and thinking on the solution, specifically two database programmers, Eric, who has designed databases for the CDC (Center for Disease Control), and Peter, who previously worked for NASA Johnson Space Center.  I have others whom I have worked with in previous jobs who have heart and respect for their skills:  Chuck, a CEO and super accountant, Susan, previously a lawyer and non-profit administrator, and Peter (a different Peter), one gifted in digital music and artist development.  I have several other capable, bright individuals I have my eyes on, and I am always looking, prayerfully watching.   We’ll need just a few good people to get this ball rolling, and then others will be attracted and room and budget will be made to welcome them.  I anticipate that we will soon need to hire others to help achieve this:  It will take a team of paid professionals facilitating an even larger team of volunteers.

I am, perhaps, most interested in the team members who will help build a massive distributed database, a skillset that I foresee to be indispensable in any revolution which will seek to unite hundreds of millions of people, and well-matched for international volunteer engagement.

We will waste no time in opening our project to the global Internet community of engineers, programmers and designers.

The Initial Staff

Let’s find a way to be profitable and forge a new communication method for our species.

The staff might initially include myself and two to four programmers and two research specialist.  These people need to come together.  They need to do something new, something powerful, something effective.  We need to make a trilogy of websites shine like bright stars of hope in the communication sky of our world:   TechForce4Humanity.net,  Songs4Earth.org, and especially, wept.tv

There is a vital need for a professional, paid inner core staff to work fulltime on erecting this channel and supporting it as it comes into being.  I will require a staff of programmers,  designers and engineers—and those who support them—who will make it happen.

We will work with complete and utter transparency.

No one programmer or elite group of programmers will ever exclusive domain or understanding of any portion of the code for any aspect at all of this project:  It’s all open source.  This the only way we can include the nations of the world quickly, and it’s also part of the transparency factor which covers the bottom to the top.

I believe that the right team players are being lined up by the angels to work for techforce for humanity to serve humanity’s best hope for survival and sustainability on the planet we live on. As such, we shall be driven to do and be our best for our own lives sake as well as lie on earth in general.

staff: team needs to be assembled

The team I suggest should be assembled should be thinking about the overall strategy, especially how we can get us all on the same page, the same channel, that’s what I am homing in on, and I will soon need my technology team to effectively act on that hope.

A team of engineers must arise to support the rest of humanity:   A team of engineers must come together as a dedicated tech force for humanity.  We will be responsible to raise up a new International Symposium.

staffing to represent every country

If you think about it, that might not be a huge budget,to hire a team from each country to give such a website 24 hour a day support,both duplicating the global unified content,translating back and forth in this effort to connect the global human village in song, news, prayer, conversation.

staff well-equipped staff and volunteers

These paid and volunteer staff must be managed with the smartest online tools available, so that—for the sake of our very survival—all paid and volunteer team members of this global operation will be able to comfortably meet by way of well organized, generously user-friendly experience by business and web developers.

Next, after we establish a once a week blackout day (which should happen as quickly as possible)

take next step in the internet evolution

We shall take the next step on the evolution journey of the Internet:

  • fully translated and interactive experience
  • new type of world stage where one person can speak, and every other person can hear their own language
  • non-stop, international crowd-sourced, crowd-validated news reporting medium where news is reported and validated or invalidated, commented on, prayers are offered, responses are discussed and appropriate actions, responses and resources are systematically called upon, monitored, reported on and efforts are acknowledged and praised
  • make it possible for humanity to get on the same page: the essential ingredient to our best hope for survival as a species on earth, our shared planet in peril.


techforce defined

The way to realize this is to start with a techforce for humanity, a paid, fulltime core staff that gives their full attention to facilitating the rest of the world’s engineers, programmers, editors, designers and inventors to collaborate on perfecting the areas of communication, democracy and finance over our new shared network.

techforce must arise first

The tech force for humanity that must arise first and come together.  A new type of world stage or global pulpit must be made available.  This will enable us to invite all of humanity to participate in the Earth Sabbath…

techforce must come together

some high tech engineering taskforce has to come together and forge the path for our species to have a new opportunity to come together in a way that is not sequestered or stifled by special interests,  Other than the interest in preserving life on earth and befriending each other at least long enough to work together to save ourselves from the extinction promised by tipping that balance of nature past the point of no return, of course that is, if we haven’t done that, already.

A highly skilled group of engineers and thinkers must come together to create the possibility of global cohesiveness in both the hard times to come (famine and great need from lack of fresh water and compromised food growing climate change) and to make drastic changes to our energy and perhaps economic-structures.

techforce raises money

techforce4humanity.org raises money and pays for staff that develops and deployswept.tv  (international symposium), songs4earth.org (global artists world stage), Internet community of engineers-programmers-designers-translators-artists for world peace, sustainability

Open source, Encrypted, new browser for peer to peer that somehow has a capable database for global community connections, user syndicated news, database, database, database!

techforce teams: four levels

The techforce who supports the International open source community of engineers, designers and programmers who display their work on Wept.TV will have an inner core team, international development team, international volunteer teams, and the team associated with all members and future human beings who participate on the Harmonized Language International Symposium and Songs for Earth’s websites, mobile apps and it’s future new internet browsers: humanity participation techforce website

I have the www.techorce4humanity.org (and also techforceforhumanity.org, which currently forwards to the shorter URL).

technical collaboration

Techforce staff will have an early priority campaign of connecting ourselves to each other and to the outside world of engineers, programmers and designers who will work as both paid and volunteer staff all around the world.  As such, techforce staff will research, understand and utilize the best possible methods for communicating while we work to embrace the international community of programmers and editors to collaborate on a new network that is shared operated and owned by all of us, meaning everyone.

technical feat

That will be in part a technical feat, one that I feel that I am prepared to lead I have a comprehensive technical plan for helping our species to communicate and coordinate with

technical under-pinning of massive coordination

The technological underpinning for massive coordination

those who are online

I am not suggesting that every person alive must be on this International Symposium in order for this to work, Just the ones who can get online.

those who are not online

With clear priorities and consistent techniques to reach out to as many of the people in one’s area who have no internet connection


translation engineering team departement

Dedicated department to comprehend and forge the cutting edge of translation technologies and also to manage the volunteer translators who are providing audio translations to existing videos and radio online offerings.


URL # 4 address

Using “4” in the middle of techforce4huamanity.org is a pattern also used on songs4earth.org. While it is good to have a version with the word “for” spelled out, I have appreciated and personally grown used to the “4” naming convention, it is a branding of sorts.
vote:See “decisions made by vote”I

world to own techforce

I want to now share it with the world and have the world own it equally, in this case the simple rental of the name and the internet hosting costs go into keeping it up.

Techforce Bylaws, Mission

  1. Secure:  Somehow this organization must be set up to do the best possible job of preventing hijacking of the system from the beginning.  There must be strict adherence to basic bylaws, somehow established in a way where it cannot become possible to waiver on them.  There might even need to be a “kill switch” embedded which can be set to go off if our system is compromised.
  2. Dedicated to Global Human Unity:  Techforce for Humanity exists for the purpose of uniting humanity at this particularly urgent time in history.  We are not responsible for uniting humanity, we are responsible for laying the technical foundation for such a miracle of global cohesive cooperation to be technically achievable in the highest, user-friendly, technically stable, and absolutely secure global network.
  1. Professional Core Staff:   Staff builds and maintains the connected websites, database, graphics, video, audio, music, yes, big time music.
  1. Firmly Established Boundaries:  Techforce for Humanity represents a specific niche, boundaries are firmly established to prevent it from swelling beyond its original stated purpose:  We are here to prepare the road for others to travel on, we are not here to control their direction or flow, just to make it possible to meet each other on common roads.
  1. Forever Advertisement Free:  The Internet society we create will be advertisement free.
  2. Proactive Prevention of Profit Motivates:  Because everything runs through databases, built-in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and filters function to automatically dump sales and marketing attempts.  Further levels of sales and marketing interception will be performed by staff and volunteer staff watching the flow of communications to politely inform abusers of this rule of the rule, requesting they delete the offending post, but setting it to auto delete with follow-up message that their post was deleted and a gracious “thank you” for not using this channel for marketing or selling in the future.
    A dedicated team works to keep the symposium safe from hackers, safe from marketing and sales (as mentioned earlier), safe from all forms of abuse by logged-in users, safe from being used by terrorists, and safe from being shut down by any entity, government or corporation.
  1. Everyone is equal:  Mutual equality will be the ground rules for the world stage.  Each logged-on user has one vote.  Salaries for Staff from highest to lowest are all within a moderate range.  This is in contrast to corporate CEOs vs. their company’s lowest-paid workers.The staff are peers.  Team Heads are “Chiefs Among Equals” serving as administrators, always querying and valuing the other’s opinions, giving preference to them even, but ultimately have the last word when disagreement within the group is happen.
  2. Mutual Respect and Kindness Essential: Respect for others and overt friendliness are job requirements.  We smile and call each other by name.  We can discuss and decide together and keep this conversation going among ourselves as to what these guidelines are for mutual respect and kind treatment of each other, essential job requirements, purposed to insist on positive energy,:  no bitches, divas, control freaks, mood maniacs are eligible to work with us on the staff of techforce for humanity.Since we will model “one person equals one vote,”  we will not have anyone domineering or oppressing another.   Still, we will need a way to make sure that things keep going and conflicts get resolved
  3. Music and Creative Arts Team:  All staff are available and welcome to participate on this team, which will help deliver video, enhance video and radio shows with original music, sound effects, whatever is necessary…
  4. Prudent Cautiousness:   Some Corporations may not particularly like us, so we will need to move forward all the more with absolute integrity, honesty and above the board on all matters, so that we don’t become vulnerable to any legitimate legal attack.  Once techforce for humanity is u are staffed up and making a substantial impact, wept.tv will be exposing the corporations that are causing human, animal and environmental suffering and helping consumers all across the world to unite in insisting on health for our planet, our climate, and each other’s well being.  When we get on that Same Page, it will be clear who is not, the line will be drawn in the sand, and those choosing life will prevail, because (I believe) LIfe Itself wants to prevail and will support all who make that decision.
  5. Economic Transparency RequiredThat being said, all the staff of techforce for humanity will benefit from wise legal counsel and oversight, while diligently following the high path of morality and integrity and all things considered in the “covering of our butts”.

    Every penny earned, received, given and spent must be done so in complete and utter transparency.  Where taxes must be paid, full attention to paying all of them will be an absolute.  No backroom deals, no under the table transactions.   We will graciously accept donations and sometimes payments from others.  We will report all of our income, pay taxes as per the law.

    TRANSPARENCY has been missing from Integrity among so many of our world and government leaders.  We shall not be guilty of any breach of honesty, integrity nor transparency.  To whom much responsibility is given, much is required.

    Techforce’s has an intense call to both transparency and integrity:   A systematic strategy for staying fair and honest and transparent will be set in place and continually updated and improved as our operation grows and expands.