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JD Sebastian, Creator of WEPT.TVAuthors Note: There are several versions of the Intro to A Plan To Save The Earth below.  If you are one of the earlier viewers of this page, please consider helping me by taking the time to read them, take notes, let me know which paragraphs or versions you like, anything that doesn’t settle well with you, all of your input will be greatly valued and appreciated!   For the time being, the best way to share your feedback with me is to email me at jdsebastian7@gmail.com 

You might want to just read the first–or the first and second–versions, then move on to the Plan, unless you’re reading for the purpose of helping me edit.  Thank you!

Intro – Version 1

Let’s say we make a decision together, right now, you and I.

If Death and Life are set before you, which will you choose?  “Life!”  Right?  Come on, say it like you mean it!  Life: It’s worth fighting for.  It’s worth protecting. Earth recently started heating up and there’s a remedial action we can take to stop the warming. There’s a price to pay, if we don’t.

I have spent the past ten years observing and researching climate change.  I’ve read proposed solutions, attended rallies, even supported one or two environmental organizations.  They’re all great, but they all lacked one essential ingredient: mass unity and support.  Fixing the climate is something that can only be done if the people of the world become informed and helped to work as one.

Our world governments and leaders should be leading us in fixing the climate, but so far, they have not had our massive approval and support in doing so.  We—the people of the earth, the masses, all of us—are the ones who, if united and empowered, have the ability to shape our own destiny at these dangerous crossroads we have found ourselves in.

We, the people of the earth deserve a chance to live, not die of the thirst, hunger, excessive temperatures, wildfires, floods and destructive hurricanes increasingly brought on by our current climate change trajectory. Let us grasp this urgency and work to unite and help each other to get the job done.  According to science, our fossil fuels, deforestation and certain agricultural practices are the reason for this current climate change.  If we caused it, then we can fix it, but only if somehow the consumers of our world can unite and act as one.

Do you know how long a person can stay alive once they run out of water?  Three days.  Climate change is threatening our future food and water supplies. All this heating up of our globe is threatening rainfall patterns, causing some parts of the world to become deserts, other parts to become more and more prone to deadly floods. But the melting of the icecaps, glaciers, and snowpack in our upper regions threatens make available a super abundance of fresh water quickly, then after that, the rivers, lakes and streams dry up.  This is humanity’s water supply!

If our nation’s governments were putting their full force focus on fixing our global climate while storing up supplies to help us all get through the approaching droughts and famine, and if our nations governments were able to work together amongst themselves, that would be truly ideal.  I know some countries are taking this very seriously and responding quite nobly, and there are of us individuals who have made efforts to conserve, recycle, use less power, etc. but we all know by now that unless the world unites on this issue and there is massive support for doing the right things, the overall climate will continue to church toward our worst case scenarios, the loss of billions of lives, if not al life on earth.

But I have a plan.  I’ve been working very hard on it.  But even better than that, I am presenting this plan on the Internet for all who are willing and able to give more ideas, better ideas, or counter my points.

What’s more, is I’m handing the plan over to the international general public, to edit, vote on, for our updates.

There are five things that we can do, as a species, right now, the people who live on planet earth:

1) survive, 2) fix what’s broken, 3) Unite, 4) Communicate 5) Build team

The plan I now share with you has five parts, a “5-pronged plan.  Achievable, doable, necessary, universal, slated to be carried out as a united front, as quickly as possible.

  1. heal the climate, 2. shore up on water and food for future famine relief 3. Unite like never before 4. Establish new communication channel for connecting humanity in a better way than ever before   5) Assemble team support and help make all these things a possibility, specifically programmers, designers and engineers to create and support the new international symposium (which I’ll describe in full detail, later).

There is really no actual debate.  There is only a smokescreen put up to weaken the message.  The scientists of the world were right!  Of course, this global warming at this time is on us! Whether ignorant, complicit, or directly responsible, our fossil fuel smoke along with a few other human activities have officially pushed the balance of Nature out of whack.

There really is no debate, none whatsoever. The people of the world have an international scientific community amongst them, climate specialists, top of their scholarly ranks, all in agreement!  Then there are a few characters paid for by the oil companies to give the appearance that it was something else, something not within our control to fix, something to do with the Sun!  Anything to confuse and diffuse the fact that these same scientists who predicted the weather and drought severe changes and have been trying to tell us how we can turn it around.

Let’s say we the people of the world decided we needed to get smart enough to connect all of us in a common conversation, a survival plan for our species.

I won’t make you wait to hear what I’m getting at:  It’s time we—the people of the earth—got together and did something about it.  No more waiting for the governments or corporations or oil lords.  We can all participate together in an Earth Sabbath: One day a week with none of our smoke.  A chance for our planet to take a breath, regain its resiliency. Earth Sabbath.  Keep that in mind, because I have something else to mention of urgent nature.

A drought and world famine is approaching humanity at this time.  The writing is on the wall, if you have had any time to read what the climate scientists are telling us about the weather, what the agricultural experts will tell you warmer and drier is definitely not good for growing food.  Or if you’re in the rain-rich part of the world, right now, you might have been experience “bumper crops” lately.  Please know the overall trajectory for this present climate change’s track spells world drought and famine.  We the people of the world can team together, all for one, one for all, if our survival depends on it.  I say, it does.  Together and organized, we can turn this big ship around.  But only together.

I propose we get started immediately on laying the technical infrastructure for raising up a new human communication channel, one we have never had before.  A harmonized language, international symposium.  A purely international social media and 24-7 community rooms with the best translation possible happening, in all directions.

We need to get everybody on the same page.  Those who profit from injuring the earth are very few, the majority of us must think together, decide together, then move together in the same direction.

and world famine.  For those of you in parts of the world who are getting more rain than usual, I promise you, that could turn into a hurricane or a monster storm, or it could surprise you and just stop raining altogether.

that our burning fossil fuels, deforestation and agricultural practices have been too much professionals, mass human extinction that’s foreboding to all who have been willing to face it.

I am just one of the many is have become aware of the climate change-related disasters coming our way.  I’m also one who has observed that our nation’s governments are not yet organizing massive efforts to store up supplies for fair and equal distribution when the famine hits.   I am not sure if it will be one year or two, but I am certain it is soon enough that we have to get busy preparing.

I see a positive path forward for the people of the world to organize it:  start storing up water and food and other supplies, then partake in the receiving them back at the time of our need, as well as others.

When the disaster of a famine strikes, how will people respond, when thirsty and hungry?  We who are awake can start working toward real, tangible preparedness, now, as well as tend to the business of our best and most intelligent effort—as a species—to reverse climate change before all snow, ice and therefore drinking water is gone.

I have a five-pronged plan that I believe will help us to heal our world and save ourselves, at the same time

I think Earth wants and needs an Earth Sabbath:   One day a week of none of our smoke.

That’s a directive I have from the Earth.  If we don’t sign up or fail to get everyone we are connected with to also sign up, then we will succumb to this great extinction that is currently underway.

The Earth needs one day a week to rest and regain its resilience against our constant assault of smoke.

The atmosphere has taken quite an extra load of our smog in recent times–partly in due to the massive and numerous wildfires we’ve been having in recent years.

Human Population: We Have Recently Spawned!

Our population has increased by 1 billion in ten years:  It has doubled since I—and a lot of you–came into the world!

This is a problem.  The effect that we are causing  on the climate with our pollution is causing the climate to change–our weather–in ways that will not be favorable for harvesting food or water we will absolutely require to live.  You know that. What if dinner is late because it is never coming?  This is avoidable.

It is imperative that we act now to begin to save up water and food for when the famine hits.    Hoping and working together to make sure that famine is as short as possible, because we have to undo what we did when we damaged our climate.

The earth will be an unfriendly place without its ice caps: they are the air condition of the earth.  That’s like having your air conditioner go out when you’re living in Arizona in the scorching heat of the sun at the hottest part of summer.

Earth Sabbath is being announced as Humanity’s opportunity–every single one of us can and indeed should, for their own sakes—to sign up for it and participate: you and your family and your business.

We have asked so much from the Earth.   Now the earth is asking for something for us.

I have been devoted to fasting and prayer for many times during the past ten years of our lives, here on Earth, and during this time, I sought everything from Heaven to the Stars, to the Oceans to the Mountains to the Lakes.  I have searched high and low, and I have broadcast a plea on behalf of Humanity to help us to understand what we need to do to effectively respond to the news that our world is in great trouble because of us.

One day a week is a starting point and a trainer.  Whether that goes to two days or not, we will find out together by inviting the whole world to participate on a new international social media channel that is designed from the ground up to be the ultimate translation experience at the levels of text, audio and the soundtrack of videos. whereby a new world stage will occur, where one person can speak or sing and the whole world can hear them in their own language

I am not saying that technology is going to provide 100% of what we need to make this the perfect translation experience, but I have a plan!   A strategy for how we can add volunteer translators to really bridge the international communication gap, so that the world can have a conversation with each other.

We love the united nations and all the people on it, but the problem is we have governments that have become unable to focus on what is necessary for their constituent’s survival, food security and water security, and sound well-being.  I wish to not elaborate on that any further.

The people are left with the responsibility of coming together, to tend to the dual business of the approaching famine and doubt, and the need to repair our climate.

Together, that is the only way that it is going to happen.

I say to the Earth, to Nature, to Life, to all that may be sacred or divine, to any and every higher power out there:

Please forgive humanity.  What can we do to fix what we’ve done?  What can we do?  What do we need to do?

The answer I’ve been given: Survive, and do an Earth Sabbath.

I have many details about both of those items, so please bear with me and read.

But let me tell you one thing for sure:  As you read, understand this:  That this book is intended to become a wiki, like wikipedia.com. and your comments will be registered, and your vote will count.  In other words, this will be Our Plan, and we will adjust, add to it and discuss our additions and the subtractions.  That we together will find our world’s best minds—the brightest minds on the things that matter for the decisions that need to be made, or the information that must be common understanding.  For all of us follow, cooperate together, because our lives depend upon it, it will happen but in order for world unity to happen it will have to be granted a new communication channel where everybody knows that they can come together and take part in a new kind of “united nations” that’s based on all of us, because technology is ready to serve us.  Those who do not have technology can be accounted for and included in the conversation.  In fact, they must be.

Intro – Version 2


Technology, Music, Nature

When I was six years old, my father announced I was old enough to learn how to use the lawn mower.  A very special day this was—one reason I remember this childhood memory so well.

Dad taught me how the lawn mower’s engine worked: lots of little explosions which caused a metal piston to go up and down, turning an attached wheel inside the engine which was how the blade turned around, cutting the grass. Dad let me pour the gasoline in the little fuel tank, pull the choke to get the gas moving over the spark plug, then finally, I got to pull that chord I had watched dad pull to start the lawn mower before. I felt like a big boy, now. Dad was trusting me with a machine, a loud one, at that.

My father then asked me if I could see the smoke, to which I replied, “yeah isn’t that cool?”

Dad pushed the stop button and the engine sputtered and pushed out a final cloud of dark smoke.  It stunk.  We both backed up a bit, as it blew away.   This memory was so vivid for me, and looking back, I think Dad wanted it to be that way.

He paused before answering, looked up into the sky and made me wait for a moment before answering.  My childhood “big boy now” adrenaline was having to wait.  With an unusual level of deliberation, Dad finally responded.

“No, son, I don’t think so.  Most people in the world think that the sky is an endless ocean of space, that our smoke somehow floats off and just goes away.  They think we can never put up enough smoke to cause any trouble.

“But the truth is that our atmosphere is much smaller than we think.  It doesn’t go on forever, and our smoke gets trapped inside. I think one day the world is going to find out that this is bad. I think there is going to be a day of reckoning.”

We went ahead and restarted the engine and mowed the lawn together.  I don’t recall ever thinking about that memory until only recently, when this childhood memory resurfaced, four and a half decades later.

Since dad is no longer a resident here on Earth, I look up to the sky, just like he did when he made me wait for that answer, and I smile at him—with a bit of a worried smile—and say, “Thanks, Dad. You were right.”

A Living, Dynamic Plan

There is an online version of this book that awaits your input—everybody’s input who will participate.  The next edition will be the beginning of our collaborative effort to make a plan for all of us to follow and support one another in doing it.

From that point forward, my suggestion will be that we name our plan, “Our Plan to Save The Earth.”

Let’s get the input and wisdom of our world’s brightest, best minds in the mix, in all things related to what humanity must do to heal our damaged climate and to support one another in saving our lives in the process.

Our one, shared habitat: Planet Earth.

I will list the problems that are life threatening while leaving the details for others to fill in, as “Our Plan” is unfolding.  Resisting expounding much on any of the items on this list, I will instead move focus quickly to the plan I am putting forth to solve these problems, together.

In the absence of seeing humanity’s apparent inability to come together to move as one away from our own self-extinction, over a ten year period I began a quest to try to understand the problem and see what I could to, and hopefully help others do also, to avert our own self-destruction.

I have tread a long road of technology.  First becoming engaged during the 1980s advent of the personal computer and  theadvent of the World Wide Web.  I am a hardware technician, Microsoft certified professional, Novel certified network engineer, Apple’s FileMaker Pro database & mobile app certified developer, have worked in multimedia , video editing, website development and management, and managed an Internet TV production.  When I started envisioning the plan I am now sharing with you, I attended programming school and graduated with honors from UCLA (University Southern California) Extension.  I was hungry to know what was possible in the way of connecting humanity, and learned accordingly.

I have also waltzed a long road of music.  I play multiple instruments, write songs, and especially, like so many of you, am an admirer of the world of music and musicians and artists.

Finally, I am a nature boy.  If Nature can be called “Mother Nature” then for sure, I am a “Momma’s boy”.  I love trees, especially.  I study them, visit them, and watch them.

Technology has order. Music has magic.  Nature is everything and everybody.  Every breath, every bite, and every sip: it’s all from Nature.  Nature is out of balance and threatened to collapse. The path forward for humanity includes much music, much technology, and much love for–and protection of–Life.

Ever since I heard the news that my species was at the helm of Earth’s 6th Great Extinction and that humanity was coming up fast on that list—I have dedicated my life and every ounce of skill, passion and creative intelligence I could bring to bear on what could be done.

I have been watching closely what others have been doing and I applaud am humbled by all the amazing work, soul and intelligence that has already begun.

My mission—and what I have to offer—is a plan to make global cohesive responsiveness a possibility, to begin preparing it right away, so that when the world more completely awakens to the threat of extinction they will be ready to follow the plan to avoid death and pursue life.

In the pages ahead I will share with you what we can do, at this point, to begin the effective work of reversing climate change, aggressively eliminate the reasons and basis for war, while supporting each other in surviving and adapting with fairness and mutual support in the exceeding rough times that lie before us, minimizing collateral damage for all and for our planet while maximizing our chances for restoring the balance of nature so that our own future—as well as the generations to follow—will include drinking water, food to eat and a more comfortable environment to live in.

We have already passed “tipping points” in our past pursuit of destroying our planet’s climate, which is why my plan is to help us deal with the repercussions.  But we are not without hope in abundance of saving ourselves—and the other sacred life forms on our shared habitat, Earth!  That is why my plan—which I eagerly hope will be teamed up and transformed into Our Plan—includes a new roadmap to a measured, fair, fossil fuel phase down; one which is aggressive enough to hope for tangible, measured results but tempered enough to help us proceed together with minimal suffering in the reorganizing of the way we do life on Planet Earth.

Together, we can achieve this.  Divided, we are already as good as dead.  My plan is a strategic plan for the world unity and “all hands on deck” required cooperation in turning our one big ship around, and steer it back into safe harbor.

The people of the Earth need a common meeting place to communicate, coordinate and support one another in working to quickly restore our planet’s environment before all the ice has melted and the rising oceans are crashing on all of our coastal population (which is the majority of human population).  You who live inland aren’t safe either, because the trajectory of this current climate change is not favorable for you or your crops’ need for fresh, drinking water.

Reversing climate change while storing water and food now—while we can—with systematic and transparent assurance by all that we can depend on equal and fair distribution of water and food during the projected time we shall rely on it while we work to push back the climatic hand of destruction we ourselves have been unknowingly participating on ever since the 1800s, when coal and oil were discovered and their use gave birth to the industrial age.

Our governments should be completely absorbed in protecting their country’s citizens from the death-dealing effects of climate change, as well as putting every effort into storing food and water for our future—but they cannot because of the way our current economy is set up.  Our elected officials are in a dance of death with fossil fuel giants and corporations whose bottom line is the very profit that has threatened to end all life forms on earth. Because our elected officials are dependent—like nearly all of us—on an economy that is at the base of our inability to turn away from the fast approaching target of extinction, they are frozen, not much different than a bear caught in a bear trap.

I believe technology, human intelligence and—especially—human will are ready to serve us in the development of a new communication channel which is designed and managed from the ground up with no profit motive nor preference given to any one or any group of people, but rather for the profit—indeed, salvation—of all.

I believe that transparency and integrity or not only high morals to strive for, or hope for, but that they can be both assured and protected by method of an intentionally-designed, systematic approach to 100% transparency, integrity, and 0% profit or control.   I will begin the discussion on how we can and must achieve this and, if granted, work with a team to expediate the full realization of this.

Our new communication channel shall begin on the internet as we know it and develop as it needs to and can from there, until the people of the earth have their own communication channel, fully translated at the levels of audio, video and text communications.  Taking translation to its highest evolution ever, born out of necessity to include the whole of the global human village—starting off with as many of humanity’s different languages as we can quickly, continuing on with full dedication and effort to expand it to all of us, down to the smallest tribe in Africa.

In this “new Internet” that I will map out the basic blueprint for, we shall have a new type of global world stage, where one person can speak in their own native language, and everybody else throughout the world can hear what they say in their own language, effectively respond and communicate with one another across the world, so we can all truly “come to the table” and take part in the vital world conversations and planning that must take place at this time in human history.

I believe it is possible and achievable to ensure that everybody who chooses to comment can be assured that their comments are visible and public to all, that they will be acknowledged, for that will be part of the necessary volunteer and team effort to assure that an honest and fair global conversation is conducted, nurtured and perpetuated toward the needful conclusion of our world’s best ideas and directions coming to the top, being voted on and embraced by all, with everybody’s concerns in mind as we work to reverse climate change, prepare for drought &famine then achieve fair and effective distribution for all those effected by hunger and drought as it spreads through our continents.

We already have climate refugees who need to be embraced, not left to drown or die of thirst and hunger.  This number will certainly multiply exponentially in the near future, whether we begin to turn this big ship around, or not.   We can agree to work together to help each other—all of us—or we can leave things they way they are, granting the 1% who have gained control over a majority of Earth’s resources and wealth, to become humanity’s masters, deciding who they wish to help, or desert.  If looking out for #1 got our world’s billionaires to where they are—soaking up most of the world’s wealth and power–what would lead us to expect they shall be fair in helping the rest of humanity out when the great approaching famine hits?

Many have come to believe that world unity is an elusive dream, a fantasy which can never really happen.  I propose that we homo sapiens have a built-in survival mechanism which is stronger than hate, stronger than religion, stronger than prejudice, stronger than any element of each of our human nature.  When we are thrown overboard a ship, if we survive the fall, we start paddling.  We tread water. We cling to the chandeliers of hope that someone will throw us a lifeline, or that we’ll find something to help us stay afloat.  We don’t just fall limp and sink.

I believe that survival instinct is already beginning to kick in and that it will be activated en masse—throughout our human population—in the very near future.   This is the moment I am preparing for and hope to soon be surrounded by the team who is supporting the international open source community of programmers, engineers, designers, thinkers, artists and musicians who will be working also to prepare for this moment of the critical mass of people with their survival instincts activated.

As people wake up to the very real fact that their very lives are threatened along with all other life forms on earth, those of us who are already awake to this must have a plan prepared which includes educating others of our plan to save ourselves and helping them to participate in this plan.  Storing and Distributing, participating together in a carefully mapped out, well thought of, measured, fair, fossil fuel phase down.

Now, if I may, I would like to share with you my proposed roadmap for the fossil fuel phase down called an Earth Sabbath.  I believe that can be humanity’s rallying cry and focal point to help us come together, work together, save ourselves and begin to restore the life-essential balance of nature of our Home, our one and only shared Habitat, Earth.

Intro – Version 3

Free Writing – April 19, 2018

It would be presumptuous of me to suppose that I could offer humanity a plan to save the earth.  I don’t have a plan to save the earth—I have some idea.  But I do believe I have come up with a plan which could lead to our species coming up with our best plan and begin to effectively commence that plan, together.  I have a plan to support this possible outcome.

How would we enlist our world’s best thinkers to brainstorm together while putting the conversation they are having in front of our world’s largest and most diverse audience?  Engaging their vote?  Their comments and ideas, as well?

If our near future lives depend upon a unified plan of action, how could we effectively get on the same page?

As I set out to write this book, I had planned on presenting chapter after chapter on the woes of climate change, world population, world hunger and what I believe to be the fast approaching global famine, but I realized as I began to write that I am not an expert on any of these matters.

These concerns, however, have been the canvas upon which the colors and paintbrushes I have had to work with have written upon.

I am a musician and an engineer; a jazz pianist and programmer; songwriter and website designer  As such, with our growing global crisis as my canvas, I have been dreaming and scheming as to what proactive measures humanity could take and how musicians, singers and the Internet programmers and designers could take to help the rest of humanity connect, in vita and new ways.

In brief, I believe the two most urgent needs addressing humanity at this time can be responded to and enjoyed in at the same time: reversing climate change through a measured fossil fuel phase down, while storing up the equal and fair distribution of food and water supplies during the famine and drought which lies before us.  Healing the climate while supporting one another in the difficult days ahead, in the process.

My goal in writing this book is to be as brief as possible, to speak clearly and plainly with my words and to work humbly as to audience of superiors.

I am aware of your ears or eyes meeting my words with corrections of otherwise additional  ideas of your own, ideas which will supercede my own, of which I welcome with robust eagerness, provided your ideas are about survival on earth in a way that’s sustainable and has tomorrow’s generation’s best interest in mind.

My initial offer is the idea of a new communications channel for humanity called the Harmonized Language International Symposium, the beginning of which online at www.wept.tv.

I propose a well-supported core staff, people at the helm of the operation, called Techforce for Humanity, a non-profit organization, and the beginning conversation for a fast and effective, measured, fair fossil fuel phase down. I believe we can gather internationally and the idea of an earth sabbath—one day a week of none of our smoke, a chance for the earth to regain its resiliency from humanity’s now massive carbon footprint.

We need to come together.  That’s the bottom line.  That’s what drives me.  I could write chapter after chapter on what we’re doing wrong and what danger lies ahead if we continue to do the tings we are currently doing, but are others who have precisely articulated all of that much better than I.

I am an interactive website designer with a background in network engineering and database engineering.  These skills collectively want to rise up within me to met the challenge of what it would take to help create the possibility of my species coming together to get on the same page to heal our climate and support each other.

Intro – Version 4

Humanity’s Runaway Train

(from March 7, 2018 counsel journal entry)

Humanity is on a runaway train that is headed toward a fast-approaching destiny called TOTAL EXTINCTION

EARTH SABBATH is our chance to stop that train, one full 24-hour period / one day a week.

This will help take away the frenetic energy—that uncontrollable inertia of our competitive world, of our consume, consume, consume world, of the rat race, or the poor mice on a treadmill, always chasing after a dangling morsel they can never reach.

It is a sobering time for us.   It’s time to stop feeding the beasts and engines of destruction, both human and machine weapons against our land, sea and air.  We all say together,

“I Don’t Want To Die.  I Want To Live.

I don’t want to be thirsty or see my family or pets die of thirst—I want us all to have drinking water.

I don’t want to die of starvation, I want there to always be food.

I don’t want to die or live a life of weakness because oxygen is gone.