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Live Simply:

Heal The Earth
Live Simply - Heal The Earth (Rev. Pat Langlois, Creation Spirituality)

Live Simply


Live simply – heal the Earth.  When I lived in New Mexico, I learned a valuable lesson:  It’s not about the “bling” — it’s about relationships. There–in that state–they valued relationship.  It didn’t matter what you “did” — it mattered who you were.  That, my friends, is what I believe will help heal this world.  Let’s focus on what’s important: our relationships.  Love, compassion, caring. The very world we live on is being destroyed because we want the new iphone, the new computer, or the latest toy.  We don’t need to buy relationships.  Live simply – heal the Earth.






Reverend Dr. Pat Langlois is a minister of Creation Spirituality, a blend of Christianity that has deeper than usual respect and appreciation for the cosmos and more specifically, the Earth.  Pat and wept.tv founder, JD Sebastian, worked together for 14 years at a contemporary church in Los Angeles, California, called MCCLA (metropolitan community church los angeles) a church whose main focus is inclusivity–full acceptance and embracing of all people who wish to be part of a spiritual fellowship.

JD recalls the first time Pat stepped up to the pulpit to preach, how he heard words unfamiliar to him–at the time–terms like “Mother Earth” and “native spirituality.”  Terms that would become larger than all others to JD’s life, once he awoke to the Earth’s fragility and humanity’s vulnerable trajectory upon it.  Rev. Langlois is an author, mother and is currently exploring new career opportunities as a minister and one who cares deeply for creation and people.

2 Responses

  1. deaconrog

    This looks awesome JD. Pat is a natural. Graphics are great. An excellent beginning with inspiration, compassion and love for Mother Earth !!!

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