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Musician, Peter Kirkpatrick, speaks...

Make A Difference
Make A Difference (Musician Peter Kirkpatrick speaks on WEPT.TV)

Make A Difference


Sometimes it does feel overwhelming and we’ve heard it told to us, you know, if everybody does their part, we can make a difference, but sometimes even that feels overwhelming, like it’s impossible to really change the direction we’re going, so um… I don’t know but personally I feel called to keep singing about it until we all hear and we all are inspired to try something and to do our part and really make a difference in our time, in our children’s time.

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Peter Hammond Kirkpatrick is a Los Angeles, Californian musician. Peter comes from Vichon, a small island off the coast of Seattle, Washington. Peter is a classical pianist, church music director of a Spanish-speaking congregation in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles, and composes and produces Euro Dance-style music.  Peter has teamed up with wept.tv founder, JD Sebastian, for years making music and putting together Earth Concerts and other musical outreach and studio projects.   See the whole song from which Peter’s short testimony was a part of on YouTube, in the concert and song, “The Earth Cantata”     The Earth Cantata–ultimately–was the song that inspired wept.tv: the message that came through its inspired lyrics marked out a clear path forward for the coming global human revolution: saving our Earth.

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